2015 SF New Year's Service Audio |
Overview of Single Focus — Pastor Keith
Introduction of Theme — Pastor Keith (Hebrews 12:1-4)
Christians are called to “run this race” (i.e., the marathon of the Christian life, with all its struggles) by “Looking Unto Jesus” — like a runner who strains to see the finished line, we keep our eyes fixed on the One who went before and is waiting to receive us. Throughout this service, we’re going to trace from this text 3 reasons to “Look Unto Jesus"; we'll do so through Bible study, testimonies, special music, and congregational singing.
Congregational Song — Jesus, Keep My Eyes Fixed on You
SF Choir — All I Have Is Christ (Sarah Bennett, pianist)
- Mission Statement — "The Single Focus ministry exists to help single young adults find and follow Jesus by knowing, loving, living, and giving the gospel to the glory of God.” Our “single focus” is Jesus Christ!
- Core Meeting Times — Sunday Morning Bible Study (book studies with ABF); Midweek Connection (topical series), Activities; Events (Discipleship Seminar, Midwest Singles Retreat, Band of Brothers); Service Projects
- Core Values — Connect, Grow, Serve
- Small Groups — Focus Groups
Introduction of Theme — Pastor Keith (Hebrews 12:1-4)
Christians are called to “run this race” (i.e., the marathon of the Christian life, with all its struggles) by “Looking Unto Jesus” — like a runner who strains to see the finished line, we keep our eyes fixed on the One who went before and is waiting to receive us. Throughout this service, we’re going to trace from this text 3 reasons to “Look Unto Jesus"; we'll do so through Bible study, testimonies, special music, and congregational singing.
Congregational Song — Jesus, Keep My Eyes Fixed on You
SF Choir — All I Have Is Christ (Sarah Bennett, pianist)
Bible Exposition — Jeremy Sherrill
Congregational Song — Relentless Love (stanzas 2-3)
Congregational Song — Complete in Thee (stanzas 2-3)
Testimony — Michael Mertz
Special — He is Jesus (Ruth Rankin)
Congregational Song — Relentless Love (stanzas 2-3)
Congregational Song — Complete in Thee (stanzas 2-3)
Testimony — Michael Mertz
Special — He is Jesus (Ruth Rankin)
Bible Exposition — Aaron Bennett
As we continue tonight, we have seen that we need to look to Jesus because He trumps all other passions. The next point we see here in Hebrews 12 is the endurance it took for Jesus to complete his earthly mission (Read Verse 2). A new year is about to begin, and we best look to Jesus for the endurance to be faithful to His calling. Jesus teaches us a couple of lessons about endurance that will help us to be better servants in the coming year!
First, Jesus teaches us that endurance can lead to hope. We often want to stop and worry about the future. We rather live a comfortable lifestyle then pursue a message that in reality contradicts everything the world stands for. And to not expect rejection would be naive for us to think. We must not abandon truth simply because we do not want to endure hardships. Christ endured the shame of the cross so that true joy might be known – sinners found a path to redemption and Christ is now seated at the right hand of God. Second, Jesus teaches that endurance requires obedience. A new year brings new challenges. We simply do not know what a day will bring. Jesus was obedient even to His death on the cross. Third, Jesus teaches us that in order to endure we must have a proper perspective. His mind was fixed on the joy of bringing salvation to all. His mind was not fixed on the shame of being executed as a criminal. Although fully man and God, Christ new well the pain both emotionally and physically He would have to endure. Yet He still endured the cross in order that God’s plan might be completed. The fourth and final point Jesus teaches us about endurance is that endurance leads to completion. Christ endured the cross and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. The race is before us! As we run this race we face some stiff competition. To the right stands the world and all it offers. To our left stands our weak flesh, who craves what the world offers. They both want to distract us from the race we must run. We must look to Jesus for endurance. We can endure because Jesus has already given us victory! 2015 is almost here. We need to look to Jesus for endurance this coming year. |
Congregational Song — I Run to Christ
Testimony — Lisa Achenbach
Testimony — Mary Miller
Offering Prayer — Pastor Phelps
Offertory — Be Thou My Vision (Johnny Smith)
Bible Exposition — Pastor Keith
Hebrews 12:3-4 says, "For consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.”
PROBLEM: “discouragement” that keeps you from enduring — “Discouragement is the emotional state in which you lose your heart for the race and want to quit.” In our battle (notice the intensified form of the Greek “agonizomai” and the word “resist”) against sin and brokenness in and around us, we can soon face battle fatigue.
PRESCRIPTION: “consider Christ” What? “Consider” = “to think or reason with thoroughness and completeness” (1) Think! — “As few things are as easy to think; few things are as hard as to think well” (Piper). In our struggle, we will think about something; usually we are thinking about ourselves and how we are being affected/hurt. We must think well—chose to set our minds on things above and “consider Christ.” (2) Thoroughness/completeness — both in the content and duration of our thinking: think of everything you can about Christ and don't stop thinking about Christ! Why? In essence, the author is painting a comparison/contrast with our own suffering. Consider Christ “[because He] endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself” and “[unlike us] resisted [sin] unto blood.” (1) Jesus “endured” (I.e. “to continue to bear up despite difficulty and suffering”), and remember He was like us in our weakness (cf. Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 2:14-18; 4:15). Endurance was a struggle, like it is for us; and if He had failed, it would have had eternal ramifications (cf. Hebrews 2:10; 5:8). (2) Jesus endured “contradiction [hostility] of sinners against Himself...unto blood.” The word contradiction/hostility literally refers to “rebellion against authority.” The hostility that Jesus faced was much worse than any perceived or real hurts that you and I may experience. He was the King, killed by His subjects; the Creator, murdered by His creation; our God, put to death by you and me! And He did so willingly, lovingly, hopefully, and triumphantly! Summary: We must regularly and deeply think about the gospel-work of Jesus Christ; in this way, we will not grow discouraged but will endure until the end of our race. The examples of that “great cloud of witnesses is great,” but no example is as great as Christ's. So, “consider Him”! “The control of your mind is so imperative. Think about Christ. Compare your struggles to His. See how He suffered yet never sinning. Watch Him as He prays in the Garden of Gethsemane agonizingly sweating great drops of blood as He anticipated the sufferings of the cross. Consider His meekness as He stands before His accusers like a gentle Lamb not even giving a defense for Himself. Hear the blows coming down upon His flesh as He is wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. Observe that He never cursed the envious and hateful men who cursed Him. Listen to Him as He makes supplication for His murderers and forgives His offenders. Attentive reflection on His agony in the midst of our agonizing against sin is the best way to draw strength and encouragement for our race. None of us have gone through His bloody experience. Therefore, we can be faithful and persevere in our Christian life” (Pettit). Why should we “look to Jesus”? Because nothing treats our discouragement like fixing our eyes on His and beholding His perseverance in the race that secured our salvation! |
Congregational Song — His Robes for Mine (stanzas 2-4)
Testimony — Brenda Moeckly
Special — You Are My All in All (Hannah Carroll, Stacey Smith, and Caleb Phelps)
Inform about Hebrews 12 Bible study booklets — Pastor Keith
SF Choir — Consider Him (Sarah Bennett, pianist)
Closing — Pastor Phelps
SF Choir — Consider Him (Sarah Bennett, pianist)
Closing — Pastor Phelps