Welcome to Corinth! (Introduction)
One Holy Church (1:1-9)
The Disaster of a Divided Church (1:10-17)
Getting God's Perspective (1:18-25)
Why Can't Christianity Be Cool? (1:26-31)
Getting God's View on Ministry (3:5-17)
How Not to Build the Church (3:18-23)
God's Standard (4:1-5)
The Absurdity of Arrogance (4:6-13)
A Model of Spiritual Leadership (4:14-21)
A Model of Spiritual Leadership |
Preserving Purity - Part I (5:1-8)
Preserving Purity - Part II (5:9-13)
Judging Angels? (6:2-3)
(Don't) Sue Me (6:1-11)
Sexual Sin and God's Bodies (6:12-20)
The Gospel and Singleness, Marriage, and Divorce - Overview and Marriage (7:1-7)
The Gospel and Singleness, Marriage and Divorce - Divorce (7:8-16)
The Gospel and Singleness, Marriage, and Divorce - Live as You Were Called (7:17-24)
The Gospel and Singleness, Marriage, and Divorce (Part 3) |
The Gospel and Singleness, Marriage, and Divorce - Singleness (7:25-40)
Paul, Idol Food, and the Corinthians (8-10)
Full Heads and Empty Hearts (8:1-13)
What Gives You the Right? (9:1-23)
What Gives You the Right? (1 Cor 9:1-23) |
Watch Out! (9:24-10:13)
Watch Out! (1 Cor 9:24-10:13) |
Stay Away from Demons (10:14-22)
Stay Away from Demons (1 Cor 10:14-22) |
Principles to Live By (10:23-11:1)
Principles to Live By (1 Cor 10:22-11:1) |