College Students
Summer Opportunities
We love the summer for many reasons, and one of them is that we get so many of our college students back! We offer you many opportunities each summer to connect, grow, and serve together.
- Small Groups — During the summer months, join the rest of our group on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. as we study God's Word together.
- Midweek Connection — This Wednesday night venue is a key time for our group to connect in friendship and Bible study. You won't want to miss it!
- Summer Ministry — We need your help each summer as ministry expands at Colonial! Check out our long list of ministry opportunities.
- Single Focus Activities
Out-Of-Town Students
Throughout the school year, we strive to stay meaningfully connected with our out-of-town college students in the following ways.
Cross Impact IUPUI
If you are a student at IUPUI, check out Cross Impact! We are a Registered Student Organization and offer a weekly Bible study on campus, weekly small groups meetings, regular activities, and encouraging relationships. For more information about Cross Impact IUPUI, please visit our website:
To learn more about Cross Impact National, click here. Also, this video will show you the burden behind campus ministry.