Summer Involvement
Each summer, we are so thankful for those who stay locally, for our summer ministries need you! Listed below are different venues around Colonial that you can plug into this summer. Please sign-up by May 20 for any ministry area(s) that interest you. Please know that signing-up does not lock you into a ministry, but simply demonstrates your willingness to be involved. You will be contacted by that ministry director to secure your participation. Also, during our combined Adult Bible Fellowship hour (9:30 a.m.) on Sunday, June 5, we plan to honor our recent graduates by recognizing their achievement and presenting them with a special gift. Furthermore, we would like to prayerfully and financially support those who will be away from us this summer, serving in Christian ministry elsewhere (e.g., church internship, Christian camp, missions trip, etc.).
Please use the form below to indicate your summer involvement in one or more of these areas.
Summer Ministry Opportunity Descriptions
Nursery & Preschool Ministry — assist in the young children's ministry during our weekly services and special events
Children’s Church — assist, lead, and/or teach children's church during the Sunday Morning or Evening Service Elementary Sunday School — lead and/or teach in one of our Elementary Sunday School classes 5:00 Hour 3Ps Children’s Ministry — assist or lead children during the "Passages, Pen Pals, and Prayer” children’s ministry at 5:00 on Sunday evenings Tutoring/Mentoring — assist elementary, junior high, or high school students with academic, social, or spiritual needs via one-on-one tutoring or mentoring Youth Activities — attend youth activities to help with administration and discipleship among the teenagers Church Music Ministry — accompaniment, special music, singing in the choir, playing in the orchestra, and playing/singing in a small group Greeters — welcome and assist regulars and guests to Colonial in the lobby and at our entrances on Sunday mornings and/or evenings Safety & Security Team — provide security and emergency assistance during Colonial's Sunday services Visitation & Assistance — assist our elderly folks by enjoying fellowship with them and helping them with errands and/or house/yard work Audio/Visual Ministry — help the livestream and presentation teams in their roles of broadcasting our services and projecting our presentations Maintenance & Custodian Labor — assist Herb Gaines with the facility needs of Colonial, including cleaning, repairing, and landscaping Ladies’ Ministry Help — assist the Ladies Ministry Planning Committee with set-up and help for ladies events Babysitting — add your name to a list of free babysitters that Colonial families can utilize throughout the summer ACTS 1:8 Ministry — serve on the field management team helping Herb Gaines prep the softball field each Friday afternoon during the season; help Trella Scholl with the grill and concessions area during the Friday night softball games; assist Justin Scholl with any Colonial youth athletic events (incl. setup, coaching, and/or follow-up on guests) Junior Boot Camp (June 12-14) — prepare, promote, and set-up; also, help with games, skits, food, crowd-control, teaching, and counseling during this event Colonial Family Camp (July 30-August 2) — prepare, promote, and set-up for family; help with games, skits, food, children's ministries, etc. |
Summer Information Form