The final group of characters in the nativity—the wise men—teach us to respond this Christmastime with a spirit of lavish worship. Many months after Jesus was born (perhaps up to two years; cf. “house” and “child” in Matthew 2:11), wise men from the East arrive in Jerusalem, inquiring about the one “who has been born king of the Jews” (v. 2). Herod’s counselors direct them to Bethlehem, quoting Micah 5:2, which prophecies that little town as the birth of a promised “Shepherd Ruler” (v. 6). When the wise men arrived in Bethlehem and found Jesus, they immediately “fell down and worshipped Him” and “offered Him gifts” (Matthew 2:11). He was only a toddler, but that did not hinder their belief that He was also their King. Through eyes of humble faith, they clearly and correctly saw their God, their King, their Savior! We’ll let a song that our choir ministered last Christmas (12/7/14) reveal to us the significance of their gifts: Gold, a King is born today; Incense, God is with us; Myrrh, His death will make a way And by His blood…He’ll win us. Application: This Christmas, let’s make sure that we don’t underestimate the babe in the manger. Let’s not allow His “safer” side—His love, grace, mercy, gentleness, patience, etc.—to lull us into a complacent forgetfulness of His power, authority, rule, and grandeur. On that first Christmas morning, He looked like a baby, but He was Lord of all! May wise men in our generation knowingly, humbly, actively, sacrificially, and lavishly worship Him as such this holiday season. CONCLUSION So, what do you think about Christmas? In the midst of all its tradition and busyness, how do you respond? Don’t forget the reason for the season. The centerpiece of the nativity is Christ, and may He be your focus, too. And as you consider each nativity character in turn, and see how they are gazing upon Him, respond like them—with the humble faith of Mary, the submissive obedience of Joseph, the enthusiastic evangelism of the shepherds, and the lavish worship of the wise men. Yes, this Christmas, put yourself in the nativity scene. Mary: Humble Faith
Joseph: Submissive Obedience Shepherds: Enthusiastic Evangelism Wise Men: Lavish Worship Comments are closed.