Dear Church Family,
This has been another week of amazing joy. I am continually being exhorted with truth, and its incredible! It is such a joy to be here, and God has shown He is more powerful than any circumstance or shortcoming over and over again. He alleviates any pressure for me to "change people" and promises that if I spend my summer loving and enjoying Him, becoming more like His Son, and sharing truth, He will take care of the changing. He doesn't need us, but is the highest honor that, as Christians, we can be involved in His work. I again had seniors and graduated seniors in my cabin, and it was a blast! All were saved and sure they were saved; most of them were even consistent in devotions, so I was able to dig deep and help them with issues that had to do more with growth. God used even this to help me combat my fear of man in helping them to see a blind spot where they may be struggling. They were such a blessing to me, and it was a very joyful, laughter-filled week for us. There was an incredibly tough situation one of my campers had been through, when someone else's sin radically changed her life. She brought this to me at the beginning of the week, and my heart just broke for her. However, God is good 100% of the time, and does good 100% of the time (Psalm 119:68). I wasn't sure that she was really understanding her need to forgive, allow God to judge, and grow, but on Friday, she gave a testimony that God had helped her to change her thinking. Because she had been forgiven of much, she could forgive of much. She left going home with a joyful heart, having a plan and ready to follow in obedience. Praise God that He can make beauty out of ashes! It's amazing that even situations in our own lives that were the result of our sin or another's sin, when given over to God, have produced an even greater understanding of God's character through seeing His mercy, unconditional love, and sufficiency. Praise God that He can even give ministry opportunities to us through those circumstances — He truly is greater than our sin! I'm looking forward to another week of camp. There is so much joy in being surrounded with truth, but I can't wait to get back to our mission field in Indianapolis. Please pray that God will continue to make me broken over my sin. It's such a temptation to "get used" to hearing the preaching everyday, but I MUST listen and examine my own heart for God to use me and change me. It is an incredible privilege to be in a place where I am surrounded by truth, but that also makes me responsible for growth. This week, God has shown me even more that He can change lives, and I desire for him to change mine. Thank you for praying for me. Having a church family like ours is truly a blessing and I can't wait to be back in August! Brittany Sherrill Dear Church Family,